2008 SPAMS Ride - Day 3 - 6/2/2008

The next morning Paul and I went to BMW and Adam, Allan and Greg took off down I90 to Red Lodge. When we got there
the tech started work right away but after a few hours broke a bit in one housing so it turned into a all day exact job. Chad
worked all day and was careful. We went for lunch , checked emails and the K bike was done at 6pm. He knocked off 3 hours
off the labor and he worked all day so we were on the road that evening. After some calls with Adam we decided to go as
far as Bozeman and then go via Yellowstone and meet the guys in Burgess Junction the next day and then it happened.
I was doing about 90 in a 75 passing some cars and a trooper nailed us coming the other way. We didn't argue and Paul took
out the bill from BMW and he was a nice young guy so he said it would be 20 bucks and no points or insurance notification!!
What a great state!! We got into the hotel had a quick dinner and went to sleep.

The hail may not look big, but they hurt at 75 MPH!


Talking shelter at a gas station.


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