Kriss Motorcycle Products - Panther Running & Brake Flasher 5/11/2006

My second Priority Plus unit failed so I switched to this unit. You can view the original installation here.

I used the existing plug I had installed earlier for my failed Priority Plus unit. I simply soldered the connections from the
new units wiring to the existing plug. A little heat shrink and it's ready to go.

I decided to locate the Kriss unit under the seat rather than in the tail section. Easier access to the programming wire.

The unit is so small it's easy to stash about anywhere.

The Kriss can be programmed a variety of ways.

 ●Kriss 4x4 sequence. (this is factory setting)
  Apply the brakes and signals wigwag four times then changing to four flashes,
  then steady ON until the brakes are released.
●Running light operation - (factory set at on)
●Signals (brake operation only) - On (steady).
●Signals (brake operation only) - Flashing .
●Signals (brake operation only) - 2 sec. flash.
●Signals (brake operation only) - Short wigwag for several seconds and then On.
●Signals (brake operation only) - Constant wigwag left and right .
●Flash rates of fast or slow.

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