Autolumination Superwhite LED Parking Lights 2/2/2006

Updated 4/17/2006: Installed the Autolumination Superwhite LEDs. Hopefully they'll last longer than the Superbrights.
They looks about the same. Maybe a bit whiter than the Superbright brand.

Updated 4/1/2006: I ended up having to remove the Superbright LEDs. They started to flicker and flashing on one side.
This is the 2nd time I've had issues with Superbright LEDs. I had similar issues with these LEDs on my motorcycle. The
manufacturer claims they are susceptible to heat damage being enclosed in the headlight assembly. :(  I've got some Autolumination 6
LEDs wedges on order to try next. I also tried some bulbs I bought at Walmart. Check them out at the bottom of this page.

The left bulb is easy to change. Even though these are white LEDs, they give off a fair amount of blue.

With the HID headlights on. I used the 4  LED Wedge Based Bulbs from Superbright.

I used a hemostat to help put the right bulb in place. Not much room for your hands in there!

I bought these at Walmart for a few bucks. Not even as bright as the stock bulbs!! :(


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