STOC History and Documents
STOC cofounder, (STOC#001), Derek Catt
and his 97 year old Great Grandmother,
circa 1992. Derek, STOC 001, the long story, By George
Catt, STOC 004
STOC cofounder, (STOC#002), Charlie Woods
Start of STOC '93 by Charlie Wood STOC#002 |
STOC Documents | ||
STOC STuff #1 March '94 | STOC STuff #2 April '94 | STOC STuff #3 Apr '94 |
STOC STuff #4 Apr '94 | STOC STuff #5 Apr '94 | STOC STuff #6 May '94 |
STOC STuff #7 May '94 | STOC STuff #8 Jun '94 | STOC STuff #9 Jul '94 |
STOC STuff #10 Aug '94 | STOC STuff #11 Oct '94 | STOC STuff #12 Nov '94 |
ST1100 Newsletters
Derek Catt and friend, circa 1993
This may not be totally accurate, but best I can do with aging memory...
WeSTOC Pre-HiSTory and WeSTOC 96, by STeve Kelley (STOC #0077)
Before there was a WeSTOC, there was the ST LiST. Back in the dark ages, before
websites even existed, folks had to communicate via physical means
(face-to-face, or with writing on paper). But in the early 1990s email was
invented. Some time around 1994, Charlie Woods (STOC #0002) and Derek Catt
(STOC #0001) decided that email could be used to trade advice and tips about
their new motorcycles, Honda ST1100s, which were introduced in the 1991 model
year. Derek Catt set up a listserver, where a person could email their comment
or question to a central email address, and the server would re-mail their email
out to whomever had subscribed. Until that point, there was only one forum
dedicated to ST1100 tips, and that was the now-infamous ST1100 Newsletter
published quarterly by a guy named Grant Norman. While the newsletter was nice,
the pace of information flow was never quite as soon as you needed it. Soon the
ST1100 LiST became the primary method for such communication, and the Newsletter
served as a nice backup to store the information in paper form. Ultimately the
newsletter went bust and Mr. Norman disappeared with a lot of bikers' money -
probably not a good idea, and the ST Newsletter (later, for one or two issues,
re-branded the ST1100 Magazine) is now an old, and not-too-funny, joke in the
The benefit of the listserver, in addition to its speed, was
that it united ST owners that were geographically distributed. We had people
from most of the 50 United States, a few from England (like Rob Rowe), the
Netherlands (like Jaap Wessalius), and even a guy from Mexico. With the shared
interest in the ST1100 and shared passion for riding, folks quickly formed bonds
and relationships. Oddly (at the time), few, if any, of these folks who traded
not only information about bikes and rides, but also intimate details about
their personal lives, had never met face to face. In the Winter of 1995-96, a
number of folks in the Pacific Northwest were mentioning their upcoming
attendance at the Seattle International Motorcycle Show. Soon it was agreed
that a handful of them would go on the same day, meet for breakfast, and enjoy
the show. Bill Pratt and others were present. For weeks afterward the LiST was
full of chatter about how amazing it was to actually meet these soul-brothers in
person, and what a generally good time was had by all who participated. Soon
the chatter evolved to the topic of a grander, more geographically-distributed
meeting. Why should the damp Northwesterners have all the fun? Many folks
suggested this place or that place, either near their homes or on favorite
rides. Pretty much all of the suggested locations were West of the
Mississippi. And there was no clear consensus for a location. Probably because
I was maintaining a list of suggested destinations as a service to the group, a
number of LiST members contacted me via private email with messages to the
effect of: "STeve, just pick a good location and we'll back you on it. Then we
might actually make this happen!"
If I was going to accept such
responsibility, I felt I should be fair about choosing a location, rather than
serving my own preferences. I got a nice, new AAA Map of the Western States
(maps used to be on large sheets of paper, folks!), and plotted the
destinations. Several in spots in several states were candidates: Colorado
(suggested by Greg McQueen and Tom Vervaeke, among others), New Mexico, Arizona,
Wyoming, Montana, Idaho (STeve Beckley), California, Oregon, Washington, and
even Arkansas. To my mind, the only way to get a good representation was to
find a spot in the middle. The geographic center of the suggestions ended up
being in Sundance, Utah. Colin DeGattis, who lived in Utah at the time,
informed me that there was no suitable lodging in Sundance, but that nearby Park
City had a number of good choices. So, I floated Park City, Utah (a place I had
never been in a state I had never been) as a suggested destination for the first
Western meeting of ST1100 owners. Momentum built quickly and the idea of WeSTOC
was born. Colin DeGattis, being local, researched hotels and settled on the
Olympic Park Hotel in Park City, and picked a weekend in August, 1996. Lots of
folks responded that they would be there, but nobody really kept track formally.
There was a strong consensus that this WeSTOC should be different from other
rallies, especially the big Honda and BMW factory-sponsored ones. Many of us
felt they were over-organized, plastic versions of get togethers that resembled
Disneyland more than actual motorcyclists. No T-shirts, no schedules, no
information packets, and no Steenking Badges for us!!! For the record, the
original invite basically said here is a date, here is a hotel, show up or not.
Nothing at all was promised. Colin DeGattis told me the hotel wanted a contract
guaranteeing a minimum number of rooms, and I told him quite clearly, "Don't
sign anything!" I discovered later that he ignored my advice and put his credit
card at risk should the turnout fall below the minimum number. Thankfully it
did not. We expected certain high-post-count characters to show up, but nothing
was guaranteed. Myself, George Catt, Colin DeGattis, Greg McQueen, Ed Johnson,
Jeff Bertrand, Ralph Sims, and even Warchild (Dale Wilson) - apologies to any
others I omitted. Truly the idea was this: Make your own arrangements, show up,
and see if anyone else is there after you arrive. No planned events, no ride
routes, no BBQ, nothing. For some reason it all worked out. Clearly a few
things have changed since those days!
When the time arrived, my wife and
I departed from our home in Gilroy, California and made our way across central
California and Nevada, dropping into the Southwest corner of Utah at Uvada.
Taking back roads we made our way South through Modena, Beryl Junction,
Enterprise, Central, Veyo, and Gunlock. From there temperatures were over
100F. I soon discovered that at some point going faster does not cool you off,
but pounds you with 110F heat! We eventually reached Interstate 15 in
Littlefield, Arizona, where it was 116F in the shade. I told my wife, if we go
left about 45 miles, we will get to our hotel in St. George, and we may have
good A/C and a pool. But if we go right about 30 miles, we hit the Nevada state
line, where there will be casinos with massive A/C units and massively cold
beers. So right it was! We took over the sports book tables at the Virgin
River Casino and spread our sweat-drenched gear and helmets out to dry. We got
some stares from the senior citizen gamblers there, but we did not care. It was
blissfully cool, and the beer was icy cold. After a couple hours our core
temperatures were back under control, and rode on to our hotel in St. George and
the weirdness that is Utah - but that is a story for another time. Who could
have guessed that just over a year later we would move there?
We rode for
several days before arriving at the Park City location. The Olympia Park Hotel
is a nice venue (no longer a hotel, now 100% condos). Great indoor pool, big
parking lot, open atrium. People in biker gear wandered around asking others in
biker gear who they were. I am bad with names, but some are easy to remember.
George Catt, annoyingly gaunt and fit for his age (still true today), cut a
clear figure of command and was easy to remember. Soon a random assembly of
bikers was gathered around a long table in the bar, swapping truths and
composing lies. Then there was a stir that evacuated the bar - Ron Major had
turned up. Ron truly had the spirit of the rally encapsulated. He showed up
unexpected, unannounced, and with a case of cold MGD beer strapped to the
pillion of his bike. He just parked, opened the case, and popped a cold one in
the parking lot without saying anything to anyone. Then the rally happened
around him for a while. Similar scenarios played out as others arrived. I
recall one couple from Arizona in the hot tub later that night passing around a
bottle of really good tequila. I think someone counted 36 total ST1100s in
attendance, some solo and some with pillion riders. When dinner time arrived,
we realized there was no plan, so a large group trouped over to a mediocre steak
place for dinner. The next day Colin had semi-planned a ride counter-clockwise
around the area, going from Park City to Heber City, around the backside of
Jordanelle Reservoir, up to Kamas, around the Mirror Lake Loop (US 150) to
Evanston, Wyoming, then up to Woodruff, Utah and over the Monte Cristo Summit
and down to Huntsville, Utah. There we stopped for lunch at the Shooting STar
Tavern, the oldest watering hole in Utah. The Shooting Star was not known for
quick service, but the STar Burgers were good when they finally arrived. The
locals were pretty pissed that their lunch spot had been overrun by bikers. The
bar also had a large bulletin board covered with military unit patches, since
many uniformed personnel from Hill Air Force Base frequent the place apres-ski.
Greg McQueen surreptitiously inserted a STOC sticker among them, and it stayed
there unmolested until about 2008, when they finally decided to give the dive a
long-overdue cleaning. Then the ride continued to Morgan, around East Canyon
Reservoir, and past the backside of Emigration Canyon to Interstate 80 (where
the UHP was testing out their brand-new, tripod-mounted laser speed ticket
system - thankfully never purchased, and no STers were ticketed), and back to
Park City. The ride started out as a big pack, but quickly devolved into
several groups riding together on the same route - which actually made lunch
possible. if we had really all showed up at once, I think they would have
closed. In the hotel parking lot later that day, someone (it may have been
George Catt) announced
that such a momentous occasion should not pass by without some commemoration,
and a handful of WeSTOC 96 t-shirts were produced. My wife and I were both
pleased to get one. The next days some stayed for a while, some went home, some
grouped together, and others continued alone. It was an awesome thing that
truly worked while defying organization.
As numbers grew in subsequent
rallies, we learned that some organization is necessary to preclude people from
being stuck with bills, and other organization was added due to consumer
demand. Even so the WeSTOC rallies retain their distinctly different flavor and
character, still going strong 19 years later (WeSTOC 2014 in Fortuna,
California) - and counting!