August 2010

Where the North entrance to the shop will be

Shows how I made the gully wider to dig the water and power line ditch

Shows other direction of gully.  Our private road is on the left and about 4 feet over my head

Two deer that walked behind the Underground Shower Building, about 100 feet from our camp

Power and water ditch dug down about 5 feet deep in the widened gully

The other direction 

One of the two rocks that blocked the ditch.  I moved the other one, but the hydraulic ram gave up right afterwards

A stream near the Yak River Road on our ride home

The Yak River Road on our ride home

What happens when you step on loose dirt at the edge of a ditch

Life when we are not digging ditch.  Life is Good

The South end of the ditch about 10 feet from the well.  Shows pipe and wire in the ditch

The ditch filled in up to corner of private road

North end of the ditch from corner of private road

Pther end of pipes and wire about 100 feet from the underground house

Two rocks that will be used in retaining wall.  
The one closest to tractor came out of ditch and weighed about 2,000 pounds

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